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Producing Custom Videos

I'm Ex-TV Producer Jennifer Moore - 15-year veteran of the broadcast industry. Work experience includes 6 local TV newsrooms, HSN, and most recently CNN in ATL.


YouTube Certified in Channel Growth, Content Strategy, and Content Ownership.


I've produced videos and stories ranging from light features, hard news, docu-style, interviews, and YouTube vlogs.

YouTube Certified TV/Media veteran - 15 years experience

Available for producing high quality videos tailored to each social media platform including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. 


Not sure what to make your videos about? I can help you come up with concepts, plan out shoots, and best tell your story.


Regardless of the production level, videos need to have viewer value - something I see lacking in many online advertisements and brand content.  Getting the creative right is just as important, if not more, than the polish.


*Currently not accepting any new clients*

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